
Monday Jul 05, 2021
How do I deal with stress at work and anxiety about my career? Pt. 1
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Many people struggle with work and career anxiety. Worries over never finding a better job, identity at work, and performance keep us crippled with fear. In this episode, Dr. Arianna Brandolini teaches how to cope with the anxiety that work and career can cause and practical steps to move forward.
Download Mindful Workbook Here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/workbooks2
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask

Monday Apr 26, 2021
How do I sleep when I am anxious?
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Sleep is foundational to physical and mental health, it enhances mood, it heightens brain function, and it strengthens our immune system. However, anxiety, screens and poor nighttime routines stop many from getting quality sleep.
In this episode Dr. Arianna Brandolini unpacks the science behind sleep and how you can start getting a restful night’s rest.
Sleep checklist: https://www.wholebodyhealth-pt.com/wbhptblog/sleep-better-sleep-hygiene-checklist
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Help, what is my attachment style?
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
How we attach in to another in romantic relationships can be complicated if we have an insecure attachment style.
In this episode Dr. Arianna Brandolini unpacks each attachment style and how you can form good relationships despite having an insecure attachment style.
Attachment style quiz: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/tests/relationships/relationship-attachment-style-test
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask

Monday Apr 12, 2021
How do I stop comparing myself to others?
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Comparison is a natural human tendency. It can even be helpful, helping us to know ourselves better. However, in this age of social media, comparison can feel constant, causing us to fall into chronic dissatisfaction, inferiority, depression, and envy.
In this episode, Dr. Arianna Brandolini shows you how to use comparison to your advantage and how to overcome the negative aspects of constantly comparing.
Episode companion worksheet: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask

Monday Mar 29, 2021
How do I stop feeling like an imposter?
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Have you ever felt like a fake at work, in a relationship or as a parent even though you've accomplished success? Chances are you've experienced imposter syndrome, a phenomenon where you doubt your abilities and feel like a fraud.
In this episode, Dr. Arianna Brandolini helps you understand what imposter syndrome is and how you can overcome the feelings and thoughts holding you back from believing in yourself.
Episode companion worksheet: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask

Monday Mar 15, 2021
How do I create boundaries that work?
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Are you feeling resentful, stressed and frustrated in your relationships? This may be a clue that you need boundaries. Boundaries help define us. They determine what is me and what is not me, what is mine, and what is not mine. They are our personal limits.
In this episode Dr. Arianna Brandolini helps you understand boundaries and how you can create them in your life.
Boundaries Worksheet:
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask

Monday Mar 01, 2021
How do I stop impulsive behavior?
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Has a recent online shopping spree, pizza, or drinking binge left you depleted and off-track? In this episode, I discuss how you can overcome impulsive behavior and think intentionally about your emotions.
Emotional triggers download:
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here:

Monday Feb 22, 2021
How do I get my power back?
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Relationships, family, and careers can leave us feeling anxious because often we feel as though we have lost control. Certain outcomes leave us feeling drained and hopeless.
In this episode, I give you tools for how you can take your power back. After this episode, you will feel less anxious and more grounded; able to cope with what life sends your way.
Mindfulness download:
Submit your questions to Dr. Arianna here:

Monday Feb 15, 2021
How do I embrace hard conversations?
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Hard conversations can be so uncomfortable, and learning to navigate them is why some avoid them altogether. Healthy relationships and self-esteem are built on our ability to have hard conversations and do them well, so it’s an essential skill to learn. This episode gives you tips and tools for how you can excel in your next hard conversation.
Communication styles worksheet download : https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/communication
Submit your questions here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask

Monday Feb 08, 2021
How can I build self-awareness?
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
How can I build self-awareness?
The first step in becoming your own psychologist is to be self-aware. Many of us can stumble through life failing to master habits, build relationships and reach milestones in our personal growth due to lack of self-awareness. This week I explore how to build self-awareness and why self-awareness is one of our greatest life weapons. It’s the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.
Mindfulness for self-awareness worksheet download: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/mindfulness
Negative Automatic thoughts worksheet download: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/
Submit your questions here: https://pages.drariannaanswers.com/ask